Friday, January 13, 2012


 I am a loyal shopper for good reason.....they are AMAZING!  I usually can get free shipping on orders over 25.00 and in their warehouse deals, I get amazing prices for a lot of groceries!  I have gotten boxes of brand name cookies, poptarts,cereal,  snacks, chips, etc....for about 1.00 per bag/box or sometimes less, and the dates are never expired!!  You do need to buy in bulk, but only buy products your family will eat.  The products will last in your pantry and a lot of times, we go through them pretty quickly!  Their website also has a "sales and special offers" page that gives you even more savings on top of that.  Check them out today.....I have saved SO much money this way and I constantly get e-mails from them with other offers as well. 

less than 1.00 per 4 oz bag (4 servings per bag)
Check out their books and DVDs as well, you'll be AMAZED!

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