Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Are you in a sugar coma this morning from all that Halloween candy?  Many years ago, my answer would have been "yes".  During my childhood and teen years, I was the overweight kid who stuffed myself at every possible opportunity and more often than not, would end up making myself sick.  I finally got tired of getting teased and being overweight and not fitting in cute clothes like the rest of my friends so I made a change.  I started eating better, moving more, and making better choices.  As a result, the pounds came off, I had more energy, and felt better about myself.  It was a lifestyle change for me and 20 years later, I still feel great even after having 3 kids! 
Eating better and moving more really isn't as hard as people think, I can transform any recipe into a healthier version and not feel like I'm sacrificing at all.  You can do it too!  If you are like I was and want to make a change but need a little push or help on how to get started, I can help...I have the plan...you can too....Are you ready?

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