Monday, February 27, 2012


Well, I made it through the weekend and all is still well...phew!
We are on Day 6....just 34 more to go!

I am good....not as tired as I normally am at night, my body temperature seems to be changing...I am not as cold as I normally am which is a very nice surprise for me...don't have to always be bundled up.

This challenge has forced me to look at ingredient labels and it amazes me how processed so many things are and how not as processed some things are that I thought would be....very enlightening!

I've been experiencing with recipes and am very pleased with the plantain chips I made today....I sliced plantains, sprayed with a little olive oil and baked at 400 for 20 minutes flipping over halfway through.  They were so delicious and so much more affordable to make.....made chips out of 3 plantains for 99cents!

Still loving my granola and fruit for breakfast and had a brussel sprout salad for dinner similar to my coleslaw in previous blog.

I am hardly hungry due to all the filling fiber I am getting but I have to be honest and say that I did lose a little bit of weight due to a lot of running and not enough calories....I know now that I need to increase my calorie intake with maybe more nuts and cheese and dried fruit .

Still trying to figure this out but enjoying myself in the process.....I just may continue this (on not so strict a scale) after my challenge is done.
homemade baked plantain chips....used a mandolin to slice thin, that is the key!
It feels so good to put nothing but "nutritious fuel" in your body!.....until tomorrow....

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