Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Well, it is that time of year again.....LENT....which means, what am I going to sacrifice this year in honor of the season?  Well, in the past, I've given up meat completely, desserts, not eating after this year I thought I would do something a little more challenging:  GIVE UP JUNK AND PROCESSED FOOD AND DRINKS!
Today being Ash Wednesday is the 1st day of Lent and my 1st day of my Real Food Challenge:
I through out all soda, candy, chocolate and stocked up on lots of fruits, veggies, nuts, and REAL food that I can actually understand what the ingredients are!
I actually feel good, had great energy on my run this morning and surprisingly did not feel hungry all day. 
I have made whole wheat, all natural mixed berry muffins which even my kids like, plantain chips that are just sliced plantains with salt and oil baked (DELICIOUS),all natural ground peanut butter on 100%whole wheat bread for lunch and brown rice/veggie stuffed peppers for dinner which were actually pretty filling!

Well,  that was Day1, follow me tomorrow for Day 2....I am missing my diet soda though ;{  but sparkling mineral water is actually pretty tasty!

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