Monday, February 6, 2012


I am a stay at home mom, as most of you know, and I usually have the time to clean but I absolutely HATE to do it but I don't want my house to suffer for it....what to do??

So. I came up with a solution......clean 1 thing every day but do it well!   That way, you don't get overwhelmed and when you finish cleaning that daily room, you are done for the day!  Here is my system:

MONDAY: Vaccuum all rooms downstairs and break out the hose and vaccuum in the corners and the bathrooms.  My children are in charge of the upstairs and vaccuum that every weekend (you'll love it when yours get old enough, if they aren't yet already.....I'm talking as young as 6 can start pushing that vaccuum)

TUESDAY: clean all bathrooms downstairs (I have 2)...wipe all counters and mirrors, clean toilets, wipe down showers and tubs, and wipe down floors as well.
My children have their own bathroom upstairs and they divide up the chores and also clean it every weekend

WEDNESDAY: dust everything (including do an ok job but I like perfection and have more time on Wednesdays to do this)....wipe down walls if there are smudge marks....if you have kids, you have smudge marks   :{

THURSDAY:  Thursdays are our garbage nights, so I chose this day to clean the kitchen.  I clean out the fridge and toss out anything that is expiring or has lived out it's life ;}, wipe down all counters, empty toaster crumbs, clean sink (we have a stainless steel sink and needs a special cleaner for this), mop floor

FRIDAY:  Vaccuum again ( I have a dog, 3 kids, and a husband), must vaccuum again!

What I do on a daily basis is wipe down my kitchen every night after dinner, sweep up the kitchen floor, and wipe down my countertop in my bathroom.

This daily system works for me and SAVES me time for other things I enjoy doing (like writing in this blog), reading, scrapbooking, running, oh yeah, and taking care of my family ;)

Try it this way or choose different things on different days that work for you


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