Friday, February 3, 2012


Here is my tip of the day:
Save all those big snack containers that you get at know the ones that have the Pub Mix, or pretzels, or granola, etc......when you finish with what came inside.  Wash out and save for future use.  I use mine for cereal (I take them out of the box and put into canisters....more appealing and gets rid of those boxes......and when you purchase from amazon in bulk like I do, you can combine more than 1 box into 1 big container and save space in your pantry), chex mix that come in big bags, dried fruit, and anything I purchase from bins at the grocery store.....(rice, pasta, oats...etc.).

This will save you from spending money on extra tupperware containers!

Want more tips?   Let me know, I'm certain  I've got the answer  ;)

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