Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I made it through the first week with no slip ups.....woohoo!

Still feeling good but I have to say, it is starting to become a challenge on what I drink.  I am drinking a lot of mineral water, unsweetened ice tea, hot tea, and coffee, and the occasional wine with dinner but I am starting to need a different taste in my mouth...I am open to suggestions if anyone has any  :)

Made some homemade granola today using ALL natural ingredients at a very low cost.....don't think I will ever by the boxed stuff again, mine is WAY more tasty!

Am loving my all natural peanut butter (just ground peanuts....that's it...no other ingredients) and all natural fruit sweetened jam on 100% whole wheat bread for my lunch......it's fun to be a kid again and eat a healthier version of PB&J  :)

made some air popped popcorn and seasoned with olive oil, a little salt, pepper, and a dash of cinnamon....sounds weird but actually pretty tasty......not nearly as fatty, greasy, and delicious as movie theater popcorn but it was a satisfying afternoon snack

Am loving all the fresh veggies I've been sauteeing with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper.....when you eat fresh, it's hard to go back to packaged stuff.....a lot more affordable when in season and at Farmer's Markets......Sunflower and Sprouts Markets are becoming good friends of mine too....very reasonable prices on the products I am buying.

Homemade granola with cranberries......only cost less than 4.00 to make an entire batch which is probably about 10-12 servings!
1 week down....6 more to go.....until tomorrow.....need to go find something I can drink  ;)

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