Friday, March 30, 2012


1 more week to go!

This has definitely been the hardest sacrifice I have made for Lent but it wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be.  It definitely made me realize what I put in my body and what I SHOULDN'T put in my body anymore!

I definitely will no longer buy soda as a staple in our house (not even diet)
definitely going to eat healthier breakfasts and lay off the poptarts ;)
going to stop buying candy to refill the candy dishes when they are empty and only buy for special occasions

I like the way I feel and want to continue to feel good about what I put into my body.  Definitely did not see this as becoming a sort of "way of life" for me but things happen for a reason and opportunities present themselves in different ways when we least expect them.

I made more whole wheat/rice flour muffins in carrot/nut, dark chocolate cranberry, and honey mixed berry....sooo good, and once again, kids loved them too! If you make certain changes and swap out unhealthy ingredients for healthy ingredients, your family may never know and you will all be happier for it!

Tostadas were on the menu tonight with homemade corn tortillas very lightly fried with shredded cheese, curtido, and fresh sauteed green beans and OF COURSE, my favorite (and my family's too now) whole grain tortilla chips.

Another successful week in the books or should I say blog.....

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

DAY 36 CHALLENGE it almost 40 days already!
Time really is going by fast!

I can't believe I haven't had a poptart, jellybean, or diet soday in 36 tell you the truth, I don't really miss it all that much anymore!

Plantain chips are gone AGAIN, but still have plenty of granola for now so I'm good!

For dinner, my daughter made her "homemade" quesadillas from scratch using corn flour so I could have some....they tasted just as good as her "white flour" version!  I made homemade guacamole and curtido (cabbage salad) to go along with it.  Such a yummy dinner tonight where the whole family was involved.....LOVE THAT!

until tomorrow....

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Well, I definitely have STRONG will power!

Went to the movies today and resisted the candy and my favorite......BUTTERY POPCORN for the second time since I started my challenge!  My boys were eating right in front of me and I resisted the entire time.....for 2 1/2 "whole" hours ;)
Instead, I popped some popcorn myself and added a little salt, pepper, olive oil, apple pie spice, and added peanuts and cranberries for my snack.  It was filling, tasted good (definitely not as good as movie theater), and made the lack of movie theater popcorn very tolerable.

Stuffed peppers is on the menu tonight......I just LOVE those guys!

until tomorrow.....

Monday, March 26, 2012


It feels like I have been eating "whole" my whole life ;) .....pun intended...

It feels just so normal to me now.

Made more homemade plantain chips with olive oil, sea salt, and pepper....yum!

Family is definitely eating more fresh veggies and we are trying new ones as much as we can.  Who knew that fresh radishes seasoned with salt and pepper could taste so good.

I am loving baked sweet potatoes and tonight I made "twice baked stuffed sweet potatoes" stuffed with mashed sweet potatoes, sour cream, cinnamon, salt, pepper, ginger and topped with a dab of butter and drizzled with a cinnamon honey stick....soooo good...if you like sweet potatoes, you will LOVE this!

homemade plantain chips

stuffed sweet potatoes with fresh veggies
tomorrow is another day ;)

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I am out of plantain chips again......I think I need to make my own again.....may last a bit longer!

I have really come to enjoy fresh mangos too....they are so delicious and juicy and fun to eat.....whole family love them too, we are out of those too.....having a family of 5, all with mouths and stomachs has it's challenges ;)

Had granola, crumpets, plantain chips, and fresh fruit this weekend. 

Had some stuffed peppers and sweet potatoes as well.  Fresh produce ALWAYS tastes so much better!

Coming down to the wire....almost there....can't wait for Easter Sunday so I can enjoy a BIG bowl of jelly beans and maybe a poptart ;)

until tomorrow....

Thursday, March 22, 2012


OK.....Plantain chips...check, Granola.....check.....Whole grain crumpets......check....ok, I'm good, was getting a little nervous there ;)

I picked up some "all natural" granola "cereal" from Sunflower Market today....only 5 ingredients, or maybe less, cinnamon raisin flavor, low in fat and HIGH in's so good, I think it might be better than mine and on sale in the bins for 1.99 per lb.....check!  I know what's for breakfast tomorrow :)

I am starting to really be a fan of whole grain crumpets from Trader Joes too spread with all natural peanut butter and all natural fig jam.....yum!  If you like regular crumpets, you will LOVE these.....has a nutty flavor to it!

You know, I have to say that white flour really is lacking in flavor to all the other flours out there....whole wheat flour, brown rice flour, corn flour, chickpea flour.....All these flours have so much more flavor and are so much better for you, why didn't I realize this before......because I never challenged myself before....I'm so glad I did.....I will NOT go back!....very affordable too!

For dinner, the whole family had fried brown rice lettuce cups using butter lettuce.  I love this lettuce because the leaves are perfect "cups" and they are the "skinniest" lettuce in the markets at 7 calories per delicious....I added chinese five spice, ginger, and low sodium all natural soy sauce, and of course eggs to the cooked brown rice.....which I cooked in the rice cooker with water, homemade chicken stock, and a splash of sesame oil......YOU GOTTA TRY IT!

crumpets, mango, coffee, and paper....great start to the morning!

Another weekend coming up....let's see how I do.....bring it on!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Ok.....I am out of plantain and sweet potato chips, granola, and muffins....have seriously got to get to the store and in the kitchen!

Tried the "brown rice" krispies this morning and while they weren't completely tasteless, they definitely lacked in flavor than "white rice" krispies, however, they do have a nutty flavor to them that I did enjoy....I felt like I wanted to add a lot of sugar to the cereal which really would defeat my whole challenge.  I think I will stick to my granola and use these krispies to add to my granola or make a healthier version of rice krispy treats (maybe I'll try that for an easter treat)

I really like the Nature's Path oatmeal packets.  They are all natural with a mimimum amount of ingredients that I can identify, taste great, and are filling! Add some jumbo raisins and a splash of coconut milk and that is one DELICIOUS and SATISFYING breakfast!

I'm thinking of trying to make some "whole" desserts but haven't come up with anything yet.....any suggestions?

Well, time for dinner.....let's see what I come up with tonight!....until tomorrow.....

Monday, March 19, 2012


27 days and counting.....

Completely out of Irish Soda muffins and running very low on my granola cereal....I will probably be in the kitchen a lot this week!

Got some more Jumbo Golden Raisins at Sprouts today....Love those things!

I love shopping in the "bin" sections at Sprouts, Sunflower, and Whole Foods.  It is so much cheaper and you can get as much or as little as you like, you don't have to depend on manufacturers telling you how much you need to buy.

Made "Fajita Nachos" tonight using whole grain tortilla chips....they hold their shape and retain their crispiness way better than regular tortilla chips.  Not a drop loved them.....Nugget Market has their "free range" chicken on sale again this week for 99cents a pound....all out now, need to stock up again.  Maybe chicken enchiladas with whole wheat tortillas later this week. 
Sorry, no pic of tonight's dinner, devoured before I got my camera out ;)

Got some "brown rice" rice krispies today at Sprouts.....going to try some for breakfast tomorrow, let you know if I will be investing in more or sticking to granola....until tomorrow....

Friday, March 16, 2012


This seems like the longest Lent ever!
I'm exaggerating, it's really not bad at all....just being told what you CAN and CAN'T eat is always difficult for me.  If I can't have it, then I want it even more where I probably never thought about it before.

Today was a good day though.....

Had my homemade granola cereal with JUMBO raisin medley (I am just so in love with these monstrous little fruits) and coffee with coconut milk

Had a grilled brie sandwich on 100% whole wheat bread spread with a little date jam and carmelized onions.....DELICIOUS.....another hit recipe!

Snacked on my homemade granola bits ALL DAY it seems like....I just made a batch yesterday and I feel like it will be gone by tomorrow!

Made homemade curtido (a salvadorean cabbage salad made with olive oil, vinegar, oregano, raw sugar, salt, pepper, and, for my twist,  I added a little sour cream and topped with Feta Cheese
It is usually served cold but I sauteed it for a warmer flavor on this cold night
I served it alongside brie and grilled pineapple quesadillas on whole wheat tortillas.....such a great flavor combination!

I trully am enjoying my experimentations and Leo (believe it or not) is becoming a fan too!

sauteed homemade curtido

Dinner wouldn't be complete without a glass of red wine!
Bring on the weekend.....

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I am getting closer and closer....I can feel it.....  ;)

It is definitely hard when I am out shopping and I see all the festive and yummy Easter candy and treats that I can't have right now.  I probably wouldn't have even really noticed them as much as I do now had it not been for this challenge but it's all right, I'll have plenty for Easter know I'll be raiding the kids Easter baskets and candy filled eggs  ;)

I have made at least 3 batches of granola and I change up my "add ins" everytime and each batch gets better and better!  Today, I added jumbo raisin medley, coconut, peanuts, and dried banana and instead of cinnamon, I used apple pie and pumpkin pie much more flavor!  I am all out of whole wheat and brown rice flour....need to pick some more up at Whole Foods tomorrow when I am there for their Friday Sale and I have coupons on top of that!

I had a delicious baked sweet potato today topped with real butter, cinnamon, a little salt and pepper, fresh coconut that I shaved, and a drizzle of agave syrup.....may never go back to russet potatoes again.  Sweet potatoes are better for you and in my opionion have WAY more flavor.

Another weekend coming up.....I think this time we will go to John's Incredible Pizza and check out their salad bar.....they serve wine at theirs ;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Another day gone by......another successful day I should say!

I need to make more Irish Soda Bread muffins....I'm going to run out before St. Patrick's Day gets here....gotta have Irish Soda Bread on St. Patrick's Day ;)

I had a delicious lunch today of grilled brie with sauteed apples on whole wheat french bread from Trader Joes....only had 2 slices left.....wanted another....soo good....the sauteed apples along with the creaminess of the brie was so delciously hot between the 2 pieces of bread....plantain chips made the meal complete!

I had the BEST dinner I have had so far tonight......every once in a while, we have "pizza night" where we make our own pizzas.  I buy pizza dough and divide it into fifths (there are 5 of us in our family), and we each make our own personalized pizza.  This time I bought whole wheat dough from Trader Joes (I have always loved this store but even more so much I can eat at very affordable prices!) and I used my homemade pesto sauce (recipe in previous blogs) brie and feta cheese, sprayed with a little olive oil spray and baked for 15 minutes.....I served homemade coleslaw salad along with it which I topped my pizza with and was ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS and guilt free along with being a "whole" meal.....the dough has a good, nutty flavor and not dry like some wheat doughs can be......the best part.....the whole round of dough that served all of us was only $1.29.....a "fru-gal" and "whole" meal.....who knew?  :)

my "whole" pizza dinner
Can't wait for tomorrow now.....until then......

Monday, March 12, 2012


I have reached the halfway mark....yeah!

I have to be honest, it is getting a bit more difficult but I am staying on task and being true to the challenge!

I really need to find something else to drink besides mineral water.....I need a different taste in my mouth. 

On the positive side, I am always pretty satisfied....not too hungry at all which I thought would be the challenge here but I have found a lot of different products that I actually really like!

I have not had any soda, candy, or poptarts since I started which I'm sure has done wonders for my body!  I LOVE feeling so healthy and "whole"!

This will definitely be a new way of life for me....I feel cleansed :)

I am eating a lot more fresh fruits and vegetables and am always excited to see what new product at the Farmers Market there is to try.

Dinner tonight was chicken thighs baked in a homemade red wine broth with onions and apples alongside steamed brown rice with a hint of cinnamon....I ate A LOT however decided to go for a run right after.
Note to self: wait at least an hour after eating a big meal to go for a run....will save you heartburn and nausea in the long run  ;)
Gotta go, chicken bones are waiting for me to make more homemade chicken stock.....the 1st batch is all gone....

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Another weekend for this far so good!

need to buy stock in coconut milk.....DELICIOUS in coffee.....need to buy almost out!

It really pays to read ingredients and see what you are actually putting into your body....kinda scary!
No more soda in our house, everyone is doing just fine without it!

Am really finding A LOT of things that I thought were highly processed are in fact, not, who knew?

Sweet potato and plantain chips from Trader Joes and Whole Foods have become a staple in our house....the kids are eating them faster than I can refill the's a good thing though...right?  I may have to buy a few bags and hide a stash for JUST ME!

Can someone please make an all natural, no processed jelly bean though.....think about it!

Not sure what's for dinner tonight but I'm sure my creativity will shine!

Amanda made soup using chicken stock I homemade and came out so delicious......just proves that homemade WINS every time.....until next week....almost halfway through!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I am on day 16 and it feels like I have been doing this a good way though!

I am feeling so accomplished and proud for making my own food.  The best thing about making your own food is that you control the quality of ingredients and how much of "anything", whether it be fat, sodium, sugar, etc..., you put into your product.  You KNOW EXACTLY what's in there and should feel much better about eating it and giving it your family...I know I do!

As I write this, I am making my own chicken stock with leftover "all natural/free range" chicken bones from tonights dinner.  The chicken was very affordable too....I got a tray of 8 chicken legs for $2.35 at Nugget Markets along with a tray of 8 chicken thighs for also $2.35!

I still struggle at certain places when going out to eat (which I actually rarely do).  The oatmeal at McDonalds is actually pretty good but I felt cheated with the fruit and walnut salad today.  Not the same as a cheeseburger and fries....I just need to stay away from that place anyway!

I am really missing my jelly beans right now.....soooo many to choose from right now, but my willpower is winning....until tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


2 weeks down.....not bad at all!

Definitely finding more things in the grocery store that I can have and definitely making A LOT more things homemade with whole/natural ingredients.

Today I made:

-roasted veggie salsa that I ate with my favorite whole grain tortilla chips....will NEVER buy Pace again ;)

-whole wheat corn cakes and pureed pumpkin soup......The corn cakes were DELICIOUS, even better than when making with white flour....time to switch.....
I have to admit though, that the pumpkin soup was not a favorite and will probably have to tweak the recipe to make it better.

-This is part of the process though, trial and error....I DEFINITELY have had more successes than failures for sure!


-I also don't think I will ever go back to white flour again either.....whole grains are so much more nuttier and flavorful and also more filling....another successful day...until tomorrow...

Monday, March 5, 2012


Things are still looking good.....liking the extra energy at night!

What I have come to really notice is that splenda is WAY more sweet than sugar and noticing my food/coffee isn't as sweet as I am used to but it's all about getting used to it again.

I made lasagna with "spelt" noodles tonight for dinner with homemade tomato sauce.  Actually, pretty good and really loving the fresh herbs that I am using more of now.....I LOVE basil, cilantro, and my rosemary bush is getting a lot more use now than ever before.  We don't have a drop left of the youngest son, Alec and husband, Leo  had 2 servings and Leo also cleaned off everyone else's plate too.  They didn't realize they would be doing this challenge with me....haha....

I feel so good tonight I think I will take my daughter out shopping...until tomorrow.....

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Another successful weekend accomplished!

I found a new product that I LOVE....whole grain crumpets at Trader Joes.  If you like regular will like these.  They are non fat and have only 90 calories per crumpet....I have 2 for breakfast and spread a little "real" butter or all natural peanut butter on it after delicious!  Pretty affordable too at only 1.99 per bag (8 in a bag)

I have found a great place to have lunch at too....Whole Foods's not just for groceries.  They have an abundant salad bar with so many "whole food" options and prepackaged items also that are more affordable than the salad bar.  The corn salsa salad and whole grain salad with veggies and dressed with a little olive oil and vinegar is so yummy with a whole grain roll.  I decided to wash it down with some coconut water (never had before) and decided it was too sweet for my taste but mixed it with sparkling mineral water and was just fine.

Going to dinner was a little rougher this weekend.  We went to Round Table and I ordered the salad bar.....I dressed my salad with olive oil and vinegar and added bell peppers and fruit on the side but the smell of pepperoni and cheese was almost too much to resist but resist I did and am very proud of myself!

For dinner tonight, I made homemade corn tamales using only corn, corn meal, butter, and a little brown rice flour........Leo and I loved them and definitely am going to continue making them this way....our kids have never been a fan of tamales and still aren't....that's ok though, 2 out of 5 aint bad....all in all, a very succesful weekend.....the weight I lost has returned, I think it was from the detoxing my body was doing, now I'm all detoxed and back to normal......until tomorrow....

Friday, March 2, 2012


1 more month to go but who's counting.....honestly, I could probably do this for a lot longer and I just might!

Went to Whole Foods Friday Sale and was very impressed with their prices.....pretty affordable....will have to again next payday!

I feel so good, not so tired at night, and love how healthy my body is feeling and mind knowing all the good nutrition that is going into my body!

Made homemade granola bars today that were AMAZING.....better than any packaged bar I've had.....another packaged product that I won't buy anymore


Am going out to a pizza place this weekend for dinner so hopefully they have a good salad bar....I will keep you all posted......I think it's time for some homemade granola bars....until tomorrow...

Here's the recipe for the granola bars:
-1 cup whole wheat flour
-1/2 cup brown rice flour
-1/4 brown sugar
-1/4 agave nectar
-1/2 cup rolled oats
-1/2 cup real butter
-1 egg
-1 cup total of any dried fruit, any nuts, coconut, and pure dark chocolate shavings


Thursday, March 1, 2012


I am running out of the food that I have come to really enjoy....time to head out to Sunflower or probably Whole Foods tomorrow for their Friday Sale

I really love the Jumbo mixed raisins.....such a great snack and a wonderful addition to my homemade granola

Ran out of muffins this morning so I whipped up a different batch this time: whole grain Irish Soda muffins in honor of upcoming St. Patrick's Day using the Jumbo raisins, whole wheat and brown rice flour, nonfat buttermilk and a splash of coconut milk....can't wait for breakfast tomorrow!

Loving the homemade guacamole....almost out, family loves it too along with the whole grain tortilla chips....never will by packaged stuff again!

My entire family is eating  A LOT more fresh fruits and vegetables since it's readily available in our house and I really think we could get used to living without soda....even me!

I have also come to really enjoy the coconut milk in my coffee.....the 1st week I really missed my flavored coffeemate creamer but now really looking forward to the nutty taste in my coffee every it bedtime yet?

I am missing my Easter jelly beans and cadbury mini eggs that I enjoy this time of year but I can tolerate it....will just stock up on the clearance sales after Easter ;)
Perfect served warm with just  a little "real butter"
Until tomorrow.....