Monday, March 19, 2012


27 days and counting.....

Completely out of Irish Soda muffins and running very low on my granola cereal....I will probably be in the kitchen a lot this week!

Got some more Jumbo Golden Raisins at Sprouts today....Love those things!

I love shopping in the "bin" sections at Sprouts, Sunflower, and Whole Foods.  It is so much cheaper and you can get as much or as little as you like, you don't have to depend on manufacturers telling you how much you need to buy.

Made "Fajita Nachos" tonight using whole grain tortilla chips....they hold their shape and retain their crispiness way better than regular tortilla chips.  Not a drop loved them.....Nugget Market has their "free range" chicken on sale again this week for 99cents a pound....all out now, need to stock up again.  Maybe chicken enchiladas with whole wheat tortillas later this week. 
Sorry, no pic of tonight's dinner, devoured before I got my camera out ;)

Got some "brown rice" rice krispies today at Sprouts.....going to try some for breakfast tomorrow, let you know if I will be investing in more or sticking to granola....until tomorrow....

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