Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Another day gone by......another successful day I should say!

I need to make more Irish Soda Bread muffins....I'm going to run out before St. Patrick's Day gets here....gotta have Irish Soda Bread on St. Patrick's Day ;)

I had a delicious lunch today of grilled brie with sauteed apples on whole wheat french bread from Trader Joes....only had 2 slices left.....wanted another....soo good....the sauteed apples along with the creaminess of the brie was so delciously hot between the 2 pieces of bread....plantain chips made the meal complete!

I had the BEST dinner I have had so far tonight......every once in a while, we have "pizza night" where we make our own pizzas.  I buy pizza dough and divide it into fifths (there are 5 of us in our family), and we each make our own personalized pizza.  This time I bought whole wheat dough from Trader Joes (I have always loved this store but even more so now....so much I can eat at very affordable prices!) and I used my homemade pesto sauce (recipe in previous blogs) brie and feta cheese, sprayed with a little olive oil spray and baked for 15 minutes.....I served homemade coleslaw salad along with it which I topped my pizza with and was ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS and guilt free along with being a "whole" meal.....the dough has a good, nutty flavor and not dry like some wheat doughs can be......the best part.....the whole round of dough that served all of us was only $1.29.....a "fru-gal" and "whole" meal.....who knew?  :)

my "whole" pizza dinner
Can't wait for tomorrow now.....until then......

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