Monday, March 5, 2012


Things are still looking good.....liking the extra energy at night!

What I have come to really notice is that splenda is WAY more sweet than sugar and noticing my food/coffee isn't as sweet as I am used to but it's all about getting used to it again.

I made lasagna with "spelt" noodles tonight for dinner with homemade tomato sauce.  Actually, pretty good and really loving the fresh herbs that I am using more of now.....I LOVE basil, cilantro, and my rosemary bush is getting a lot more use now than ever before.  We don't have a drop left of the youngest son, Alec and husband, Leo  had 2 servings and Leo also cleaned off everyone else's plate too.  They didn't realize they would be doing this challenge with me....haha....

I feel so good tonight I think I will take my daughter out shopping...until tomorrow.....

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