Saturday, March 10, 2012


Another weekend for this far so good!

need to buy stock in coconut milk.....DELICIOUS in coffee.....need to buy almost out!

It really pays to read ingredients and see what you are actually putting into your body....kinda scary!
No more soda in our house, everyone is doing just fine without it!

Am really finding A LOT of things that I thought were highly processed are in fact, not, who knew?

Sweet potato and plantain chips from Trader Joes and Whole Foods have become a staple in our house....the kids are eating them faster than I can refill the's a good thing though...right?  I may have to buy a few bags and hide a stash for JUST ME!

Can someone please make an all natural, no processed jelly bean though.....think about it!

Not sure what's for dinner tonight but I'm sure my creativity will shine!

Amanda made soup using chicken stock I homemade and came out so delicious......just proves that homemade WINS every time.....until next week....almost halfway through!

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