Monday, March 12, 2012


I have reached the halfway mark....yeah!

I have to be honest, it is getting a bit more difficult but I am staying on task and being true to the challenge!

I really need to find something else to drink besides mineral water.....I need a different taste in my mouth. 

On the positive side, I am always pretty satisfied....not too hungry at all which I thought would be the challenge here but I have found a lot of different products that I actually really like!

I have not had any soda, candy, or poptarts since I started which I'm sure has done wonders for my body!  I LOVE feeling so healthy and "whole"!

This will definitely be a new way of life for me....I feel cleansed :)

I am eating a lot more fresh fruits and vegetables and am always excited to see what new product at the Farmers Market there is to try.

Dinner tonight was chicken thighs baked in a homemade red wine broth with onions and apples alongside steamed brown rice with a hint of cinnamon....I ate A LOT however decided to go for a run right after.
Note to self: wait at least an hour after eating a big meal to go for a run....will save you heartburn and nausea in the long run  ;)
Gotta go, chicken bones are waiting for me to make more homemade chicken stock.....the 1st batch is all gone....

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