Friday, March 16, 2012


This seems like the longest Lent ever!
I'm exaggerating, it's really not bad at all....just being told what you CAN and CAN'T eat is always difficult for me.  If I can't have it, then I want it even more where I probably never thought about it before.

Today was a good day though.....

Had my homemade granola cereal with JUMBO raisin medley (I am just so in love with these monstrous little fruits) and coffee with coconut milk

Had a grilled brie sandwich on 100% whole wheat bread spread with a little date jam and carmelized onions.....DELICIOUS.....another hit recipe!

Snacked on my homemade granola bits ALL DAY it seems like....I just made a batch yesterday and I feel like it will be gone by tomorrow!

Made homemade curtido (a salvadorean cabbage salad made with olive oil, vinegar, oregano, raw sugar, salt, pepper, and, for my twist,  I added a little sour cream and topped with Feta Cheese
It is usually served cold but I sauteed it for a warmer flavor on this cold night
I served it alongside brie and grilled pineapple quesadillas on whole wheat tortillas.....such a great flavor combination!

I trully am enjoying my experimentations and Leo (believe it or not) is becoming a fan too!

sauteed homemade curtido

Dinner wouldn't be complete without a glass of red wine!
Bring on the weekend.....

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