Thursday, March 15, 2012


I am getting closer and closer....I can feel it.....  ;)

It is definitely hard when I am out shopping and I see all the festive and yummy Easter candy and treats that I can't have right now.  I probably wouldn't have even really noticed them as much as I do now had it not been for this challenge but it's all right, I'll have plenty for Easter know I'll be raiding the kids Easter baskets and candy filled eggs  ;)

I have made at least 3 batches of granola and I change up my "add ins" everytime and each batch gets better and better!  Today, I added jumbo raisin medley, coconut, peanuts, and dried banana and instead of cinnamon, I used apple pie and pumpkin pie much more flavor!  I am all out of whole wheat and brown rice flour....need to pick some more up at Whole Foods tomorrow when I am there for their Friday Sale and I have coupons on top of that!

I had a delicious baked sweet potato today topped with real butter, cinnamon, a little salt and pepper, fresh coconut that I shaved, and a drizzle of agave syrup.....may never go back to russet potatoes again.  Sweet potatoes are better for you and in my opionion have WAY more flavor.

Another weekend coming up.....I think this time we will go to John's Incredible Pizza and check out their salad bar.....they serve wine at theirs ;)

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